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idk if this is the right board but

how do i overcome laziness / procrastination? please

relating to things such as assignments


You start doing it, If you're not getting anywhere then stand up and pace or go for a walk.


what if i can't get myself to do any of those things and just keep bedrotting

like, the advice seems very circular. it's like saying "you can stop procrastinating by not procrastinating"


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I know it sounds stupid but it's the only way.
If you think there's medical issues impeding you then you need to do something like see a docter for example.

Make sense?


I've never found a good way to stop procrastinating. Might as well focus on things you can actually do.

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I never liked waging but I did wage for a good 4 years of my life and invested in crypto. which went relatively well. although i should have been a multimillionaire already. I *****ed up many trades. But I'm still relatively well off and have 5 bitcoins and another 1 bitcoins in shitcoin. i also sold off a bitcoin between 60/70k. I have not really worked a job the past years and idk what the ***** is going on but I'm just not motivated anymore. for anything. especially not a job. I actually have a super wagie wojack factory job interview today but I think I am not going to go. the NPC interview is going to go full retard. Any job really. the entire B.S Human resources… the… slavery. the people talking to you like you are some retard ( I have a degree but do do low jobs now cause i gave up my IT carreer many years ago when my folio was big). I'm stuck bro's. my CV/RESUME is completely *****ed with a 3 year gap and a 1 year gap. I could explain the one year gap saying I'm traevlling … but now i also have a 3 year gap (I was just enjoying my life and travelling). so when the HR Roasters see that they probably never want to hire me cause I am not a good wage slaves.

I also lived outside of the country for more than a year with my new foreign gf. but even that doesn't really scratch my itch right now. it feels over. is it normal that it feels over at 33?


>I never liked waging
You and everybody else.
>I'm just not motivated anymore.
Might not be you, neo-liberalism seems to have brought on a general feeling of malaise.

>I'm stuck bro's. my CV/RESUME

Playing the paper-stack lottery probably isn't your best bet, corporate bureaucracies run on nepotism and connections. You have to do "people-networking"

Maybe find a worker-coop or people to start one with, or look for a gig in an NGO that lobbies for peace. You know these places usually aren't filled with as much dread. If you know IT maybe join an org that lobbies for digital liberties.


Just lie about the gap, say you ran your own stuff


Methinks you're lazy and disillusioned with the idea that get rich quick is not eternal.


>is it normal that it feels over at 33?
>at 33
It's 2 years old, fag.

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Anyone here whom is in the minority that prefers work over school?
Work may suck but at least you dont have to deal with bullies and being broke or absurd rules from teachers.
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Also, if I could be honest, we could have robotic butlers but we wasted out research, development, and manufacturing on smart devices and surveillance software


Yeah it don't know if you really want to use *****ren to train robots. *****-labor is iffy and your robots would obviously inherit all the behavioral quirks of *****ren. Like extracting buggers from noses an flinging them across the room, fidgeting and so on. *****ren can also be diabolical and understand that they could insert behaviors into the bot training data, which to be honest might have amusing results.

>we could have robotic butlers but we wasted out research, development, and manufacturing on smart devices and surveillance software.
We could have had "botlers" and privacy ? damn this timeline sucks.


Socialism isn't about wealth redistribution. Socialism is an alternate mode of production without class distinctions.


Ok and? You think adults dont have problems either?

Again this is about learning about haptics and testing them out.

Also again *****ren have done more serious work in the past without imparting any "*****ish" nuances.Society has comicalised *****hood far too much that adults cannot even engage ***** seriously on basic things.

And you seem to have*****roblens with ***** even doing low-stress work.

Also, alot of fidhetibg ***** do is due to not tetting enough free time to play outsise.
Remember the constant psychvmeds and harbess belts adults put on ***** and how simple horse play is criminalised now?

Society doesnt want ***** to be ***** but they dont want ***** to grow up either.

Adults smother ***** and then ggets surprised why theyre unpredictable.
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>*****ren can also be diabolical and understand that they could insert behaviors into the bot training data, which to be honest might have amusing results.

And adults totally dont do that?
With all the politicising and generational cultural slop and other vices ?

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Welcome to the work day general.

Tell us about your day anon. Did you have a good day at work? Its OK we know work is horrible.

I work graves at a factory. If you have it shitty at work I can relate.

Tell us about your day under the crushing weight of the profit motive.
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Curious, what do you think your class is?


clerk like from Gogol stories. not really a prole, moreso a pleb. am a class traitor though– i deeply loathe plebs and can't stand the people at my job. would support a revolution even if it led to a liquidation of my "class," would rather be executed by the proletarian revolution than continue living in this shitscape.


You don't think plebs have revolutionary potential?


not really no. they are mostly fascists. also burger plebs especially have been poisoned and traumatized from birth so they suffer from all sorts of mental and physical ailments (obesity, anorexia, autism, adhd, anxiety, etc) that make many of them incapable of fighting even if they wanted to.


jiggling my mouse and shitposting with the above anon tbh. still one of the few hold outs at my company that refuses to come back into the office. eat shit, i'm riding this gravy train until they fire me.

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been unemployed for a year.
+1000 applications
white man
masters in STEM from stanford
I have gotten 3 offers in cities 500 miles away though so there is that.
but the job market is getting worse.
and worse.

im in the 3rd largest city in the USA it shouldn't be this hard to find a job
***** the federal reserve and their business cycle.


Applications go into a pile and somebody or some process sorts out applicants. This negative selection aspect does not serve the interests of those that send applications. Therefor you'd have to expect that many people compensate by optimizing the information in their applications. So if you just send an unoptimized advertisement for your labor power …

>the job market is getting worse.

>it shouldn't be this hard to find a job
You meant ti say capital is doing a employment-strike and is refusing to hire all the available labor in order to bargain for lower labor-power prices.

Maybe try to organize all the people in a similar situation into an organization in order to increase the scarcity of applicants.

If you know how to work the finance stuff and make it spit out investment monies, try to use that an hire lots of people.


>Maybe try to organize all the people in a similar situation into an organization in order to increase the scarcity of applicants.
you *****ing retard.


I take it you disagree, may i ask you elaborate your reasoning


>their business cycle
It's called capitalism.

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How come ***** labor didn't make a huge comeback
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No, stop trying to be edgy


***** labour is sublated in the nuclear family household by chores and in the public school system. homework for example is literally mindless labour which has its imperative in the system.
those positions are outsourced to the third world, like so many important jobs


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*****ren do labor when they go to school


The sociobiological objectification of *****ren as hereditary playthings of the parents is part of the reason for this current-year crisis

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I know sooner or later I will have to escape NEETdom since this lifestyle isn't sustainable in the long-term and you'll start to feel depressed and like a bum.

I know one day I will want to live an independent life. My end goal is to make lots of money while I'm still ***** so I can save up and buy land in the country and build a homestead.

Immediately after graduating high school, I did college for one semester in Fall 2019 and then basically dropped out when the pandemic hit. I was studying for computer science but I'd said college ain't worth for learning that since I can easily learn about programming and system administration with Linux and FOSS software and the clusters of old computers and Raspberry Pis I have at home.

I've been considering joining Job Corps or enrolling myself in a vocational school and then get an apprenticeship so I can become an electrician (or plumbing or HVAC). I heard being an electricians make good money and you mostly just work alone. I'm already good with math and learning the physics of electromagnetism and thermodynamics.

Are there any other NEETs and ex-NEETs who don't like college/university but are considering or are going to trade school or apprenticeships?


You don't go to university to learn but to either get funding for research or to get a certificate for your clientele or employer that you're not a pseud.


Then its over son


There's trade school for programming in my cunt (Europe), they mostly teach CRUDs and basic coding/tech stuff. Basically preparing a bunch of code monkeys but like 80% find employment afterwards

>My end goal is to make lots of money while I'm still ***** so I can save up and buy land in the country and build a homestead.

Why not grind the techslave life till you can comfortably work from home while building your funky ruraloid shit. If you wait to save up money by that time you're gonna be old and out of energy

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Are police proles?
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>are police prole?
Only if prole is a term that lacks any relevance





The paper pusher administrators are proles, so it is not a good indicator.


Not really, also police is the most corrupt government entity after the guardians (politicians) in social-democracy. I like Plato’s idea, where the guardians cannot own any private property and are dependent on the prole for their living; only the prole (in sense of ateliers, artisans, craftmen, trademen etc) can own private property; although I would change it so no one can own private property, except for a fictional entity— a file in the IRS— that can own all property and all enterprises MUST be owned by their employees. And if a company wants to own properties abroad it MUST register a fictional entity locally in the State and pay ALL the taxes the State has oblige them to pay.


this actually a good idea

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Any other anons with a job in a trade or profession that is of use to a large percentage of people will be very familiar with the following interaction. Someone that you haven't spoken to in years appears via DM and goes:
>Hey bro! How've you been?
>Good thanks yourself?
>Great by the way my car is making a rattling sound when I go over bumps and my mechanic can't look at it til next week, can you help
>I don't really have any time off in the next couple of weeks either, but you can bring it in to my garage when I'm open and we'll assist
>I thought we were friends, man! I can't afford £40/hr. Can't I bring it to you on Saturday and we'll have some beers and fix it then?
>No, that's my day off. I'm not replacing ball joints on my day off
>But my car needs fixed! I would help you with anything you needed
>I don't need help with anything
>You're an asshole
At first I just thought this simply denoted selfish cunts that I should just cut contact with, but now I'm estranged from like half of the people I went to school with and some of my extended family because I have 'refused to help' them. It seems like a majority of people in my life, certainly all of the ones who do not work with their hands, think that my position is unreasonable.
Majority of people don't have a skill that their acquaintances have any need for, so fail to empathize with people who do. As far as they're concerned I'm just being greedy.
How would you deal with people who expect your time and effort for free, and are liable to become offended when you refuse? Do they have a point? Is this my fault for being trained to do this stuff in the first place?
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if you don't mind my asking, how'd they ***** up their car steering ?

People get miffed because they're thinking you're refusing a mutually beneficial quit pro quo exchange of favors. Their not thinking that you're not getting anything out of it.

I think you need to ask for return favors that's worth your while, and you need to expect it to be somewhat difficult to figure out what some other person can do for you.

Also people can't value what they don't understand, the other anons suggestion to make them help with the manual labor part, that might ameliorate that lack of understanding.


Make sure they physically help.
They'll never ask again.


Newgene here.
This is why I advocate for mandatory vocational training in schools alongside mandatory ethical pyschological training for legal privileges.

Adulthood is too often tied to money and age and fancy fashion.


>At first I just thought this simply denoted selfish cunts that I should just cut contact with, but now I'm estranged from like half of the people I went to school with and some of my extended family
Yeah, uyghur! How *****ing dare you not 2 fix your massas shit whenever they want it? It's your god-given social position 2 better their life 4 free, after all!
My gratz 2 ya, nig. Now @ least you know about the true nature of these faggots who made you think they could ever be your friends. Go on & use this filter till you die, it could really save you in the long run.
>How would you deal with people subhumans who expect your time and effort for free?
Same as I would with their higher grade buddies from the ruling class. In meinkampf, of course.
>Do they have a point?
They have a *****ing bullseye on their heads.
>Is this my fault?
Why would it not be their fault 4 pissing you off like th@, huh?! Keep in mind th@ they, unlike you, never blame themselves 4 anything.
Stop taking their shit on yourself or they be gonna riding on your back till your spine *****ing cracks apart, after which they will start drowning you in their shit right there 4 making their life inconvenient once again.

You can bet these nigs will also violently defend cuckitalism 2 death while sumiltaneously scam*****ing every deal they make without even any wage substitute on their part (like bourgs do), just like they tried 2 do th@ with you.


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If they're women demand *****ual favors in exchange.

Otherwise refer to their their wives/gfs.

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Is there a reason that they seem to only hire chronically asshurt middle aged people? They make you feel like dirt when asking to pick up a pizza. None of them seem to want to be there.Very rare to see a ***** employed at any Costco.

Why the ***** do I need to pay Costco a membership fee to shop there just to deal with some pissed off wage earner (Union no less) in order to maybe save a buck or two on large quantity consumable goods?

Small to commercial business usually have a supplier that beats Costco for what they need. Individuals and households with a brain understand that bulk needs can be met by something like a Walmart or even Home Depot.

Why the ***** would any human with an ounce of self worth want to piss away a couple hours minimum just to shop at Costco? Idiocracy made fun of this damn near two decades ago and it's more true than ever.

BTW - the rotisserie chickens are shit now and it's not because of the package change. ***** Costco.

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