Idk about USA but right above in Canada I think there is very little revolutionary potential. Every protest *must* be non-violent even after they repeatedly demonstrate that these nonviolent protests do absolutely *****-all.
But the protestors are actually based, let me tell you an anecdote about individualism, and you will see why given enough people like that you can't have any revolutionary potential in a country. Also I just want to vent.
My buddy was longboarding down a fairly busy sidewalk. Of course his #1 priority is to not hit anyone. Some guy sticks his elbow out on purpose instead of giving him room to pass, so as he gets swiped he gave him a weak tap to the face, definitely not enough to do any damage other than to a tit-for-tat swipe.
This guy starts following my buddy yelling about he just hit him. And as he's shouting he gets his phone out and says he's going to call the cops. At that point I catch up and ask the guy if he would like some more hits to his face, because I'm just going to side with my buddy without really knowing what's going on. I was actually about to smack the dudes phone out of his hands or smack him but my buddy was already busy leaving so I we just left. I was so angry at that type of person though: they are simultaneously putting their hands on someone (being violent), lying about what happened, and they're a coward because they immediately wanted to snitch to the cops.
I kind of regret not physically causing this man harm but I would have probably gotten in trouble at that point because there would be people with their phones out.
Still what does this have to do with revolutionary potential? This type of person that I described is the hyper-individualistic liberal. They genuinely think they are morally correct even when they start shit, or also commonly when they say something rude (usually to a minority), and when they get clapped back for it they start acting all offended: see they have zero regard for other people and if that other is a minority they aren't even a person to them, so they get offended when they get the same treatment back.
There is no hope for working with someone like this. They will never listen to reason because when you talk to them about socialism they will tell lies in order to win the argument.
There are enough people in Canada that are exactly like this, that in a crisis will be absolutely useless. And they outnumber people who act
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