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Post Copy pastas, videos and books which debunk common Fascist, Liberal talking points which are repeated often.
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I looked at a few of the socialist subs on lemmy, they seemed to have lots of strange people who combine aspects of liberal social values and aspects of medieval religious fervor. Might check out the GenZedong community you mentioned tho.

I don't know if popularity is a desirable quality anymore, reddit is very popular but it also glows hard and many subs have ruling ideology enforcement.

Reddit use to be fun when it had more of the "hacktivist ethos" of people like Aaron Swartz, back when the internet was mostly free and corporate astro-turfing as well as state glowies were less able to wreck good communities.

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A list of reading groups and their schedules that have chosen to advertise themselves here. Take a minute to check them out. If you would like to promote your reading group, feel free to leave a comment telling people where they can go.

>>5912 /read/

>>6162 Continental Floppa
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I really like the picture in OP. More like it plz.

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 No.7537[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

My website has been recently updated:

Book 3 is out:

Following Book 2:

And Book 1 (which was originally meant for something else but made the perfect introduction):

Consider this the "Eugene general" where you can ask me random questions or bitch at me.
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The dissolution of the USSR was an internal decision, but who was waiting in the wings to gobble up the plunder? The people doing this don't care about any particular nation, and they find agents within the countries they wish to loot who are ready for it. Empires always think globally. Always.

The US is far more rotted from within than the Soviet Union. The Soviet institutions still worked for the favored class of their society, produced men who could actually rule. The US is completely gutted. There is no "American ruling class" - it's been prepared for total enslavement unlike anything that is familiar in history. It took releasing the vultures to really ***** up Russia, and then Putin (sort of) kept the mafias in line and restored something like a functional society. He's proceeded to shit it up in two short years since it was always dependent on playing ball with the same people who bought up the USSR after dissolution. You can see the exact same people salivating at chopping up the US - Americans, Europeans, Russians, some guys in China, and the Japanese who have always been stakeholders in the global system. They even elevate Sachs who joined in the plunder of the fUSSR as an "anti-imperial" voice for the retard brigade.

You have to get out of the idea that Empires are tied to nations, like "the American Empire" or "the Chinese Empire". There is only one Empire in this world, the successor to the British Empire. Only one. Everyone else is trying to be a stakeholder in that empire (this is what Klaus Schwab is selling, that the Empire will give its German stakeholders more power, as has been the German/Nazi function - to get "good capitalists", preferably non-Jewish capitalists. Krauts never change their MO. They really are a disgusting race.

No one would have believed in 2008 that the US would become this weak internally. Someone would think there would have been a revolt. But, if they weren't going to revolt during the 1990s, they were never going to. They knew what was coming, and there is no victory against an enemy that can dig in for an interminable war, with considerable support among the population that are fanatical true believers. The eugenic creed rules this world now. All nations will be bent to eugenics and nothing else.

So, I believe China can be cannibalized very easily - they've operated in alliance with tPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


If Trump tries to go to war with China, that is instant mutiny. It's insanity. If the "deep state" tries to, they'll have worse than mutiny, but the people running that joint have no interest in war with China, or really any war other than the Plan Wars they have right now. They have never wanted to get out of the Middle East, and it is well known that they intend to be there for decades - all to defend Israel. Even after the USA is dissolved, the imperial army must defend their project there.

I doubt there will be a "United States" in four years. The timetable for its breakup has been accelerated, and Trump is going to finish the job quickly. Already, I'm seeing signs that the government will not be here in the near future. Some very basic government programs were immediately defunded and sent out notices that their operations are over. State HHS departments just re-approved everyone because they know it's irrelevant with what Trump is bringing in - their offices will be dissolved along with whatever they were paying out. The country will not be able to continue with what Trump is promising in his bombastic videos.

Welcome to Project 2025. You wanted it, and oh boy, you're going to get it.


I expect it won't be long until what's left of the judiciary is reduced to a pure kangaroo court, based on my observations and recent dealings with them. They were telling you about a year back that their plan was "AI law" - basically making the law inscrutable except for "the machine", which is to say, they're going to make sure Oceania Has No Law, and there will be nothing you can do about it. There is no way any functional entity called "America" can continue, and such an entity isn't going to wage any major wars, much less against an intact state like China with a larger army and naval parity by now. There's also nothing to gain by war with China or Iran. What, you're going to play conqueror against over a billion people who will hate your guts for fighting a retarded race war? Then consider that China has long been a partner and has nothing to gain from a war of aggression. It's already policy to let China take Taiwan back, whatever blustering the retard brigade makes to project "stronk". China's problem with Taiwan isn't the US, but the KMT who do not want to become Communists.


You are correct that transnational capital has no loyalties to their countries of origin. But when the Euro economy was crashed by blowing up that pipeline and the sanctions war, they did hurt their ability to exert power over the world. So they do have dependencies.

Not everybody was a Fukuyama-ist. Many people predicted the decline of the US empire.

You're dead wrong about China, they're doing trade but not subservience. The US military base encirclement of China is becoming a liability, because of the advances in missile technology. Especially combined with the fact that in terms of industrial power the Chinese are a hyper-power.

I don't know why you are shitting on the Xi Jinping govt, living standards in China keep rising, poverty keeps declining, their infrastructure is getting expanded, social services are improving, they're doing better than expected on technological independence. They seem to be coping reasonably well with their real-estate finance having crapped out. It looks like social outcomes in China will continue to improve. The only real complaint is they're not good on civil liberties, but their system is barely over a hundred years old,

I don't really get, why you think that international relations can't be free of imperial hegemony. Look at the forming BRICS stuff, that does not appear to be imperial and it's definitely the rising current.

> war with China, that is instant mutiny
>They have never wanted to get out of the Middle East, and it is well known that they intend to be there for decades - all to defend Israel.
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I should clarify, what the Empire really wants out of "Israel", rather than the present doctrines of Netanyahu and their antagonism with the fUSA. That isn't going away - but it's going to be rearranged into something the Bush/Cheney people want, that was worked out by the Iran-Contra boys as the plan. At least, that's what they're motivated by and what they will defend to the death. If they lose, they lose, since they're not all powerful.

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 No.2940[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Hello comrades. I propose a general thread in an attempt to get the /edu/ ball rolling again. Everytime you visit /edu/, post in this thread. Tell us about what you're thinking about, what you're reading, an interesting thing you have learned today, anything! Just be sure to pop in and say hi.
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<Form, function, and evolutionary origins of architectural symmetry in honey bee nests


Aaron Swartz day two days ago


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They murdered(driving into suicide) that guy for releasing scientific papers.

He is the hero of intellectual liberty.

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Since most anons here seem clueless about what masculinity actually is, and only seem comfortable posturing about what it isn't, I thought I'd help you.

>The Way of Men

>By Jack Donovan

Read this and maybe (no promises) it will help exorcise the faggy zeitgeist from your skinnyfat body.

While most of you probably won't be able to handle this book (due to deeply engrain ego attachment to muhleftism), a small percentage might. This is for that latter minority.
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*****ual dimophism means that male predators and female predators are statistically likely to use different strategies. For example men are more likely to use intimidation while women are more likely to use deception. But it does not mean that men are predators and women are prey.

*****ed color perception being the result of hunter gatherer division of labor, certainly makes for a compelling story, but have you checked it ? The bare minimum would be looking for research that confirms or refutes that women are in fact better at spotting nuts and berries.

It's plausible that in primitive society men would have the duty to defend the tribe. But i don't think that humans were really besieged by beasts. Most wild animals avoid groups of humans, even many apex predators that are stronger than humans, do. So there is at least the consideration that by the time the modern homo-sapience came along our ancestors were already the dominant species. My guess would be that humans were really effective at hunting most large animals into near extinction and therefore the surviving ones inherited instinct or learned behavior of avoiding humans. I think that women probably also hunted, probably not big game with spears and nets but archery seems plausible. Many women seem to enjoy it as a hobby today.

On what are you basing your assumption that there are organ harvesting gangs lurking behind second-hand trade and hook-up apps? If you have an insight where the organ harvesting gangs are stalking their victims these days. You probably can get rich off that by organizing what would be a modern day bounty-hunter guild. Like being the go-between of private investigators, private security and police.


>But it does not mean that men are predators and women are prey.
Ah I see the confusion, I meant like women might be more on alert for predators as a whole, not just men. Woman sees eyes in bush, shouts, man stabs bush.
>have you checked it?
I've been meaning to make a notebook / git repo where I keep notes on this sorta thing so I can actually substantiate my opinions whenever I spout them but I end up overcomplacating the project. I should just pick a technique and stick with it, not try to reimplament my entire worldview all at once.
>I think that women probably also hunted, probably not big game with spears and nets but archery seems plausible.
Oh certainly, especially the archery part, I've just been under the impression the genders would sway more toward specific tasks, but it couldn've been hard lines.
>On what are you basing your assumption that there are organ harvesting gangs lurking behind second-hand trade and hook-up apps?
Heard stories about it, again neglecting to keep note of the source. No statistics though, just anecdotes.


This is just a big fat cope written by some homo*****ual neo-nazi.


this book seems to romanticise mascukinity as primal warring.
It makes the classic mistake of equating technology and mechanisarion to castration.

It accuses modern men of being mommas boys simply for not living in primitive times fighting large animals to bring home to the tribe.
The author is a self described "gentleman" growing up in rural Pennsylvania.

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the holodohoax did not happen. it's a complete lie. it have vague description and changes description every time.

give me things that help me get the message to people that it have vague description and that it changes description every time. post copypasta, papers, books, your own writings, websites, videos, debunks, and etc.
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What do you want to know ?
Are you the OCD guy that asked for archiving ? I didn't know what to reply because i didn't really understand the request.


I'm here but I'm very tired.
I'll see if I can help tomorrow.


>Are you the OCD guy that asked for archiving ?


guys, I overcome my OCD symptoms for today!



As to your request
Straight from Stalin's pen The Falsificators of History

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petite-bourgeois who must pay their way in thanks to public debt at the proletariat's expense. Proletarians, who have high autism score, get in for mostly for free in America. College is the only hope, otherwise the proletarian must work and die at backbreaking and subsistence wage construction, Mcdonald, or walmart.

The problem is all of these petite-bourgeois failsons speculate both in regards to their ability and the value of the degree, not that it is hard to access. These failures cannot get scholarships. Even under socialism, the petite-bourgeois will be price gouged by state monopoly to make way for the proletariat.
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>The real problem is that college is over-promoted as the golden ticket to the good life.
This is inherently a left-wing problem. The leftist myth that all humans are born as blank slates with equal potential means there is no reason why everyone should not go to college and become brain surgeons. If they fail it must be some environmental cause like systemic-racism or not enough socialism.

>Most people think college is gonna save them from doing elbow grease hence why college expenses are so high.

College fees are high in western countries because the government guarantees the loans and the government has infinite money. Do you really think that greedy capitalist investors would give out $200,000 loans to 18 year olds to study gender theory otherwise? If you're smart you'll ask the real question which is what is the government getting from the universities in exchange for propping up their insanely high tuition fees.


First off, it's liberals who over promoted college not leftists.
Second, most ***** people who get loans for college are not going into gender studies. That's a conservative myth.

The real purpose of promoting college is to reinforce the institution of adolescence.


>First off, it's liberals who over promoted college not leftists.
It doesn't matter how much you hate them liberals are not right-wing.

>most ***** people who get loans for college are not going into gender studies.

It doesn't change the point which is that as long as there are ***** who are somehow getting massive loans to study economically nonviable degree subjects then there is no business justification for a private profit maximizing entity to expect that loan to be repaid unless the government was intervening.

>That's a conservative myth.

Breathing oxygen is a conservative myth. Better start holding your breath you *****ing white supremacist.


lots of strawmen here.
How many college ***** do you encounter that actually do gender studies?
Again thats an outlier.
Most are going into STEM.

Again schools need to preach about trades but wont do so.


>How many college ***** do you encounter that actually do gender studies?
The post you are responding to does not mention gender studies.


Do you know what projection is.

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I don't understand how the military industrial complex creates value.

If it doesn't create value I don't think the USA would keep spending money on it, and I don't think the owners of it would be getting more and more rich.

But value is created by socially necessary labour time, and making military stuff doesn't seem to be socially necessary. How can burning so much fuel and exploding ordinance and building vehicles and stuff actually generate value if at the end of the day it just goes poof into a cloud of smoke?

Is it just a tool to extract value from other countries?

I asked chatGPT and it suggested that the MIC is actually a tool to realize value from surplus, by creating an artificial demand for the surplus that's created. That was a very good point I think.
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So, there is a huge thing about black Britons and Canadians being the superior intellects of their race, which given the eugenism of the English, suited them just find.


>Empires always rejig and restructure their "system", as do most functional states.
No they don't adapt, when their systems begin to fail, they close their eyes to reality and double down on the old formula ignoring that it no longuer works. The British empire collapsed rather suddenly because they charged into the Suez crisis like oblivious morons, following the imperial recipe. The ruling class in the UK still tries to larp as great imperial power, even-though they haven't been, for 80 years. They send an imperial delegation to India , to lecture them about not toeing the line on sanctions against Russia, and the Indian government just ignored it. Look at the neocons, how they're running the US empire in the ground. They're continuing a strategy that doesn't work anymore.


That's just ridiculous, do you think they run on volunteer work ?

>After the fact, the imperial religion declares that the imperial authorities command nature at all levels, or in the current rendition, ARE "Nature" and the ruling aristocracy is identified with Nature itself

I have notice that too. The ideology is a bit weird considering what we do to nature. Trees a nature and those get cut with chainsaws.


This is retarded thinking. Empires are not autistic. The ruled are treated as if they are autistic, cajoled infinitely at the lowest cost possible. The present empire explicitly does this and has a scientific approach to alienating its subjects absolutely - declaring them "IQ 0". Past empires did this imperfectly, but never once did empires exist to offer the subjects nice things.

Do you not see your error? Everything you believe is premised on the belief that the empire gives its subjects nice things, and has been corrupted somehow by malevolent, impure actors, and that this can be corrected technocratically. Numerous assumptions about nature, human beings, information, history, reality, intelligence, thought, consciousness, and so on, must be inserted. The people who think autistically are not the rulers, who are perfectly aware of what they are doing and the distinction between them and those who will only be lied to. Ideology is for the slaves, who are taught to believe that the projection of power is power itself, and that "there is no spoon", to quote that stupid and infantile movie.

It is flabbergasting to me that I have to say these things, but I have to, because this stupid idea has been promulgated ad nauseum. Every time you repeat it, the masters smirk, knowing they have yet another rube. I try to dissect this, only to have to repeat myself. It truly is a mental illness. Basic concepts of what this is are rendered inadmissible, and they are replaced with this "total and unknowable system" that builds new contradictions to cover itself. The worst thing anyone can do is lie to themselves. Lie to others if you like - you should consider the consequences of this habitual lying, especially since ordinary subjects never believed in this - but if you lie to yourself, you are the only fool.

You see here that every concept of reality you hold is based on assumptijons on top of assumptions, which all much line up "just so", presenting a total system which is immutable and unknowable except as "contradictions". It's a pure magic trick, and you're an idiot for believing in it, when basic sense would tell you the folly and how this hasn't worked once for the slaves. Again, this was worked out as a science long before we were born. The Southern slave system was premised on such a science, the precursor to such habitual lying given a religPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Who believes in this ideology? It is a religion for the courtiers who are kept out of the know and away from any lever - knowing just enough to push the buttons in the death camps. They're the slaves of the slaves, ad infinitum. Such habitual lying is the basis of every hitherto known slavery - that is, slave systems are always premised on a known lie, and glorify explicitly injustice in every deed and every institution supporting a particular slavery. The power of Lie is the point. This only works so far as knowledge translates into any material agency, and so it is always supplemented with a vast preponderance of violence. Therefore, slave patrols and the chief function of militias being to put down slave revolts, which they very effective at doing. It was the first such system, which if you understood American history and you clearly do not, is something the political class in America were perfectly aware of. No slave master is ignorant of how slaveries operate. To an extent, the slaves must be aware of the modus operandi of slavery, lest they forget their place in the order, and this knowledge is never limited purely to what the master pedagogically allows. The made-up history where masters immaculately controlled all information Negro slaves received never actually happened at the level of the subject. The slaves were perfectly aware that they were slaves, and would always be slaves - they would always be uyghurs, and the repetition of "uyghur" was deliberate and habitual. They wrote books on how to utilize language to this effect, and encouraged it among the slaves themselves. The full operating details of a slavery do not need to be known, but no one in a slave society believes slavery operates by unknowable laws. All operations of a slave system are knowable, even more than the knowability of anything we regard as nature or in the domain of science. Where science began with doubt and neutrality - humans are, by nature, alien to the world beyond the fact of their material constitution, and nothing about us is "dialectically tethered" to anything else by immutable laws - slavery begins with "perfect information in perfect systems", and seeks to remake reality in a given ecology in accord with the general plan of the slave system. This plan is always made by some rational agency in order to exist. Nature did not provide any slavery ready-made for us, for they are always institutions made by men, and enforced by men. If the slaves themselves enforce thPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Just as the slaves are quite aware that slavery is a bunch of bullshit, those that the slaves are induced to kick down have always known that their suffering - the truest suffering and the true purpose of the human race in total, with no possibility of redemption ever - is wholly unnecessary, not even desirable as a quality in of itself. But, every slavery in history has been democidal and vicious. It is the core conceit of the commons - the technological interest - that slavery can be made automatic, efficient, and natural. By doing so, the common producers are convinced they possess a perpetual motion machine that feeds their social superiors whatever tribute is necessary, and eventually would allow the technocrats to usurp the proprietors and aristocrats - to become the new aristocracy. New nobles. New gods. This is the central imperial myth, if you know British and American history and the counterparts of such in most of the world. It is a particularly Satanic myth, and the rise of Babylonian Satanism and its priors was a unique event in human history. Every other such recurrence was long ago subsumed into the original, since an abiding quality of Satanists is that they always seek the greatest and universal Satan for any niche they inhabit. Where there were for example Chinese subjects amenable to the Satan, they were the first to abase themselves to the white conquerors, who were in that time the earthly representatives of Babylonian Satanism.

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>Noob question

What in dialectical materialism is the explanation for how communism, defined as a classless society in which workers democratically own/control the means of production, is likely or even possible. What real evidence has affirmed this position over the past 170 old years, since Marx was writing about this subject? Like, I can understand that contradictions are inherent in capitalism, but I don't really understand how the resolve themselves in communism. What's the correct position/logic here, or is it something of an article of faith?
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>>communist nazion
A splendid joke fiftoid, now face the swinhole.
>industry ist corporati-


>See Communist China for the supreme example of Communism.
China considers it self to be lower-stage socialism building towards communism. They have different words for it and they use more stages. So currently they are in the primary stage of socialism and by 2035 they want to be in the stage of moderately prosperous society they have more stages for 2050 and then 2080 and so on.

>China is only communist in name.
No they call them selves socialist. which means not yet communist.


>That can't really be true when every major industry is nationalized.
The communist party in china hasn't really nationalized that much, only the heights of the economy, and often it's only partially nationalized.

Anyway they kinda moved past the system of asserting direct governmental authority with the big official hammer in order to influence the direction of their economy. Companies above a certain size are required to have a Chinese communist party carder and they can influence investment decisions to a considerable degree. It's a novel approach where they went for political influence over surplus allocation.

These carders them selves are subject to what the Chinese call deliberative democracy, which means they have to seek out the approval from the people who are affected by the decisions they make. It's a little bit like the mass-line in Maoism, but a much more localized version, with considerable autonomy from the party hierarchy.

The Chinese have been decentralizing power, delegating more decision-powers downwards in the hierarchy. I think that was part of rejuvenation of society or something like that, i don't recall the actual name.

It's peculiar that it's official policy from Beijing. In all of history there has been a tendency of power-centralization, and when i say tendency i really mean an iron-rule. All systems centralized into bigger structures and socialist projects were no exception. Up until recently decentralization has never come from the center, so far it came because of pressure from below or because power-structures fail (like the fall of the roman empire)

The Chinese have obsessively analyzed the dissolution of the Soviet system and the collapse of the Soviet block that followed. My speculation is that they're hedging against that.


A philosophy does not make directly claims about history or truth. It asks how the answer would be found, and almost never is philosophy dogma or totalizing in the way you presume. "Dialectical materialism" wasn't even used in Marx's lifetime, nor was it identical with Marxism or unique to Marxism. Marx for his part described it as "my method" and mentioned his tutelage under Hegel. The explanation in Capital is not one requiring as esoteric philosophy. It is an explanation intelligible to any student of classical political economy. The point of contention wasn't whether Marx had the correct philosophy, but whether his claims described reality or anything the critics considered relevant. Marx in Capital is not suggesting any necessary cosmology where you only could use his super special cipher to know reality. You could make the same claims without "diamat" or any Hegelian baggage, or claims similar enough to come to the same conclusions about capital. But, to deal with the subject matter requires clarity of what classical political economy was really about, and that's where the confusion sets in. There are those who claim Marx's argument is that political economy was a pseudoscience, but I saw the argument not as that - because economics was never a "science" in the first place and was never presented as such except by bad economists that Marx among others ripped into. Science in the genuine sense had already established that economics is not a science, and the subject matter was entirely alien to science. I saw the real claim of Marx being that capital was not what it purported to be - that it was amoral and could not be made moral, and money itself could not be made moral. Value was not a moral consideration at all for Marx, while it was for classical political economy - that is, none of political economy makes sense unless there is some moral purpose or reason why anyone would agree to this exchange, rather than just taking stuff or extracting wealth "in kind". Adam Smith's arguments didn't pertain to the workers - in Smith's estimation, the workers were slaves and had no say whatsoever in their circumstances, and weren't "really human" in the fullest sense. If the workers were "manumitted" and made something of themselves, that's super, but workers as workers had no rights. They were chattel under the dominion of the King and the Poor Laws, and the American rebels were little better and engaged in some foolishness - foolishness which his faction and bPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Okay so with that out of the way, nearly everything you describe has nothing to do with socialism or commmunism as any proposition. You're describing a hyper specific unicorn as if it were a product in the supermarket of ideology, and yet this unicorn is never described as if it were something humans would actually use. This is intended and its a meme that was advanced because no one really believed in communism for a long time.

Even if you were seeking to describe this unicorn, or you were proposing those descriptors as a real situation which has nothing to do with historical communism/socialism, none of that requires a philosophical explanation of why it is natural and inevitable. For one, Marx never said "the perfect unicorn version of communism is inevitable and history will produce it with no volition whatsoever, yet the revolution will be bloody and I am the Evil Overlord Xenu". Communist parties were, like any political organ, active participants in history, and they always had programs written by the Party rather than an esoteric interpretation of unchanging dogma. So right there, philosophy and the theory don't make prophecies of that sort. Marxism was never predictive in that sense, and that's a common charge made against them. It didn't stop the stupider of them from hectoring others as if they did believe that, but most of that was the Marxist contempt for anyone they considered stupid or worthless, which is basically everyone who didn't get what this really was.

In the formation of their actual programs, and the platforms presented for the public - because this had to be handed off to actual people who had to make something functional - philosophy was far removed from the explanation. The Party theoreticians had to maintain fidelity to reality. Only when the wheels came off the bus - the 1950s and late 40s were the indicators that we were on the Evil Timeline - did the theoreticians retreat into kookville and turbocharged fads and pseudoscience, with the Secret Speech being so awful that good Soviet citizens had heart attacks after listening to such an abomination against history. It was that galling and insane.

The particular mental illness you're struggling with is anarchism, particularly Fabian-built philosophical anarchism. Let's deconstruct what you're writing. What does it mean to "democratically own the means of production?" If you think the answer is abasement to an abstract demos that will think for you, youPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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